
IP Centrum Recruitment

Recruitment of lawyers in the field of intellectual property

One of the latest areas of IP Centre’s operations is the recruitment of lawyers specialising in intellectual property for law offices, institutions and companies, including corporations, looking for lawyers who deal with intellectual property.

Our goal is to recruit specialists in intellectual property who suit the needs of a specific client, so we focus not only on the subject-matter aspects but also on personality aspects which are often of key importance.

We recruit at various levels, starting from low-rank positions of junior associate, through associate or senior associate, to manager or partner positions.

The basic recruitment resources come from the schools run by the IP Centre where we get to know the students, particularly with the “Golden League” programme which helps us to get to know the candidates over the course of a year in subject-matter and personality terms, which helps us to match the candidate to the client’s needs. However, we take into account not only the graduates of the IP Centre, and anyone who is interested can send their details with a relevant form. We then decide whether to take a given candidate into account, and the provision of resume cannot be treated as a source of any claims from the IP Centre or its partners or clients.

We care for the privacy of the candidates and we do not disclose their data to a potential employer without the candidate’s express consent, and, conversely, we do not disclose the employer’s data to a potential employee without the employer’s express consent.


Get a job with the IP Centre
It is free for every candidate to send the form and be included in our database. The form is devised so as to gather data necessary for the recruitment process.
If you want to send your data for the purposes of the current or future recruitment process, fill in the form below.


Find an IP specialist with the IP Centre
The employers are charged with a fee for the recruitment service, and the level of remuneration depends on the qualifications of the wanted person and the proposed salary. In any case, the rates are set individually. If you look for a candidate, send us an email to the following address: ipcentrum@ipcentrum.pl, and we will promptly contact you to go over the details.

Form for candidates:

    Photo (permitted extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, bmp)

    Date of birth

    Sectors in which you have worked (including the present one):

    Current workplace:

    Current scope of duties:

    Previous places of employment and scope of duties: name, title, time of employment: from – to, description:

    five × five =


    The information contained on this website is not an offer and does not create a legally binding obligation to conclude any contract by the Center or persons cooperating with it. The Center reserves the right to change the information placed on this website at any time and is not responsible for any actions or omissions, including damages incurred in this respect, taken on the basis of reading this website..